Our Board
Non-Executive Directors
JA Copelyn
BA (Hons), BProc
Non-executive Chairperson
Date appointed: 24 February 2011
Major external positions, directorships or associations:
Chief Executive Officer of Hosken Consolidated Investments Limited, the major shareholder of the company, non-executive Chairperson of Deneb Investments Limited, eMedia Holdings Limited, Montauk Renewables Inc and Southern Sun Limited.
Key skills and experience:
Johnny has served as the CEO of Hosken Consolidated Investments Limited since 1997. Prior to this he qualified as an attorney and served as a Member of Parliament and as the General Secretary of the Southern African Clothing and Textile Workers’ Union.
*JA Copelyn was appointed to the board of the holding company of the group on 13 August 2003, prior to the reverse listing of the group into Gold Reef

Y Shaik
BA (Law), BProc
Non-executive Director
Date appointed: 15 June 2011
Major external positions, directorships or associations:
Executive director of Hosken Consolidated Investments Limited, the major shareholder of the company, non-executive director of Deneb Investments Limited and eMedia Holdings Limited and Chairperson of Frontier Transport Holdings Limited.
Key skills and experience:
Yunis is an admitted attorney of the High Court of South Africa. He has served as an Acting Judge in the Labour Court and as a senior commissioner to the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration, KwaZulu-Natal. Yunis is a former Deputy General Secretary of the Southern African Clothing and Textile Workers Union.